Rainy Story
"Rainy Story" is a short atmospheric video that immerses viewers in the melancholic beauty of a rainy day in city Kyiv. The video combines various cinematic effects and sound design to evoke a sense of narrative and emotional depth. This  project was filmed amidst real rain in Kyiv, which added both challenges and authenticity to the scenes. 
All footage was captured using a smartphone, allowing for flexibility and spontaneity in capturing fleeting scenes. This choice, while limiting in terms of stabilization and sharpness, underscored the raw, natural essence of the setting.

Editing and post-processing:
To enhance the storytelling, I employed cinematic color grading techniques and layered sound effects. This approach heightened the visual and emotional impact, transporting viewers into the contemplative world of a rainy urban landscape.

Processing specifics:
Color grading: Utilizing a palette of deep, emerald tones alongside subtle blues to convey a cinematic atmosphere.

Vignettes and seamless transitions between scenes maintained a cohesive visual narrative.
Soundtrack: Melancholic music and rain ambiance complemented the visuals, amplifying the emotional resonance of each frame.

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